Monday, November 17, 2003

The fleeting look....

Was that you?
There was I tryng to elucidate all thoughts and visions.
Amusing myself with the virtual reality.
It is exhausting to have popping emo thoughts.
Nothing has transpired. Nothing.

To HIM I seek for the clueless answers.
To HIM I ask for the strength to re-energize me when i am exhausted.
The Devils are all chained...what else causes this popping emo breakdowns?

Then...there was I amusing myself with the virtual reality...
And there was you sitting solemnly.
It was a fleeting look.
Was that you?...Was that you?
If that was you...your physical state saddened me.
My heart was there...or could i say is there..
but the opportunity was drowned in sorrow.
I foolishly stated my big plan..for better tomorrows.
Were you hearing it with smile?
OR were you hearing it with disgust?

Was that your physical state...was that your expressive state?
Or was that for just that moment...
You were caught off guard for that moment.

Was that you?
DEC 19...coming..
I doubt so.
I shall not hope.
As blinded hopes will kill my happiness.
But my life will be filled with blessed hopes.
Hopes that will be tranpired with HIS moves.
Insya Allah.

The Shaytans are chained in this holy month of Ramadhan. Why are we still heading towards the dark side, unnoticed? Why?


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