How I wished we felt the same...
The time is drawing near for me to depart.
The fleeting look speaks a thousand words.
But everything still remains the same.
From the day one went silent...till today and tomorrows?
How I wished we felt the same...
The waiting time is reaching due.
It will all reset comes February.
Comes February, when the time is due.
Do vapour like the dew.
How I wished we felt the same...
Do not vapor of my past presence.
As I know now you are complacent.
Complacent for my absence.
I need to feel complacent towards your absence but with HIS presence.
How I wished we felt the same...
I am diluted. I need to be concentrated with HIS help. Insya Allah.
Packing update: It's moving...getting there...3 days to go:)
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