Wednesday, October 13, 2004

HE wants my undivided attention.

Assalammualaykum Wr. Wb. Kt.

The awaiting month is here,
HE is waiting for us to be close to him,
HE will chain our enemies,
for us to attain HIS love.
But we HIS creations, still succumb to the devillish temptations.

Our enemies will be chained,
but they will still be smiling,
because we HIS creations,
still follow their paths without their lead.

HIS love for me has been displayed in many ways. Allhamdulillah.
HE wants my undivided attention.

When I have reached the ultimate capacity of loving HIM,
more than I could love HIS creation,
HE will fullfil my silent cry for the other needs.
Needs that will lead me to the lighted path.
Insya Allah.

HE is listening. I know HE does.
HE wants to see my sincerity.
HE wants to see the purity of my heart.
HE wants me to cleanse my heart, mind and soul.
When the cleansing has been done.
I will retain that happiness. Insya Allah.

Allah does not look at your look and body, rather he looks at your heart- Al Tirmidhi

Dear sahabats, with hope this Ramadhan will be a better one for all of us.


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